
Leeds City Region interactive map
A multi-layer map was made available 28 Nov 2018, covering the whole of Leeds City Region. Note that the buttons to switch on layers have ‘expansion arrows’ giving access to more detail. Those of us who know the area well will notice that there are some elements that are not up to date and that categories […]

Leeds: Cradle of Innovation – on sale
LSDG publication, Leeds: Cradle of Innovation, is now on sale in Waterstone’s, Albion Street and online via our website. Written by Rachael Unsworth and Steven Burt, it celebrates innovation past and present. The day after its publication WYCA asked for copies to help woo Channel 4. Impact??

Northern Forest
50 million trees are to be planted between Hull and Liverpool. Environment Secretary, Michael Gove: “Trees are some of our most cherished natural assets and living evidence of our investment for future generations. Not only are they a source of beauty and wonder, but a way to manage flood risk, protect precious species, and create healthier […]

Temple Works – what next?
Fears for the future of Grade I listed building Auction on 7 December 2017. Historic England is calling for industrial mill buildings across the north to be salvaged for future generations as homes, workplaces and cultural spaces.

Holbeck Urban Village – new planning document
There’s a chance to influence the council’s new draft Supplementary Planning Document for Holbeck Urban Village. Responses to be submitted by 4:30pm on 29th April 2016. The SPD extends the previous boundary for the area to include sites south of Sweet Street. These sites are important because of their closeness to Temple Works and their […]

LCC launching South Bank at MIPIM
Tom Riordan is in the South of France proclaiming the potential of Leeds South Bank: Insider Media story here, and Riordan on South Bank 16 March 2016. and LCC Leader Judith Blake – email 16 March. See Leeds City Council’s South Bank website. It’s separate from the LCC website.

South Bank Workshop – feedback & next steps
Here you’ll find the link to Leeds City Council’s South Bank page.

Co-producing the future South Bank? Meeting with Judith Blake
Following the South Bank workshop on 28 January, I had a chance to spend 40 minutes with Judith Blake on Friday 19 February. I put across the LSDG hope that we can make headway as LCC has suggested: both a framework for the whole area and some rapid action on elements that are unquestionably advantageous […]