David Lumb draws attention to the still-unresolved fate of Temple Works

Temple Works, like many other areas of Leeds City Centre South still haunted by post-industrial dereliction, is emblematic of a city without a plan.   Leeds has no shared, pragmatic framework for delivering sustainable regeneration in an area that has been crying out for an innovative masterplan for well over a decade now.   ‘Leeds […]

Cradle of Innovation

www.cradleofinnovation.org LSDG is supporting and acting as publisher for: A book and an exhibition to celebrate Leeds innovators of the past and present and to support future innovation “Science and technology, art and fashion, entertainment, banking and finance, research and higher education – these activities all flourish in the creative and intellectual ferment that characterises […]

City Centre South – LCC workshops 20 April

Here’s the piece for Leeds Civic Trust newsletter: The future of city centre south – April workshops.pdf

What does ‘liveable’ mean?

A short video from Liveable Cities Lab. The speaker is a sculptor, artist, landscape architect and interdisciplinary urban planner. Liveable Cities Lab is based in Uberlingen on the shores of Lake Constance, not far from Freiburg, southern Germany.

What Mexico City learned by devoting an office to designing public spaces

“… it is the Public Space Authority, rather than developers, that dictates which way development is going”. See more about the way cities can lead with public space design and implementation.

What will happen when there are fewer cars in cities?

Don’t pay a premium for a garage. A decade from now self-driving cars will make urban homes with less parking more attractive. Do pay a premium for proximity to a subway station or rail station. As the number of partially or completely carless households increases, more people will value such a location. A home next to […]

Holbeck Urban Village – new planning document

There’s a chance to influence the council’s new draft Supplementary Planning Document for Holbeck Urban Village. Responses to be submitted by 4:30pm on 29th April 2016. The SPD extends the previous boundary for the area to include sites south of Sweet Street. These sites are important because of their closeness to Temple Works and their […]

Holbeck buildings in need of attention

The regeneration of the South Bank is moving apace, with a host of buildings and derelict sites put back into use, and even more now earmarked for the future. But these five buildings are still waiting for the investors to see their potential and restore them to their former glory. Leeds list: the 5 buildings

LCC launching South Bank at MIPIM

Tom Riordan is in the South of France proclaiming the potential of Leeds South Bank: Insider Media story here, and Riordan on South Bank 16 March 2016. and LCC Leader Judith Blake – email 16 March. See Leeds City Council’s South Bank website. It’s separate from the LCC website.

South Bank Workshop – feedback & next steps

Here you’ll find the link to Leeds City Council’s South Bank page.